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Neuroscientists and psychologists have proven that meditation can actually rewire the brain. The wiring in our brain is not fixed it's adaptable and we can harness the power of neuro-plasticity (the brain is plastic and the neurons can change how they talk to each other) to change the brain.


Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, Richard Davidson (i) states our brains are constantly changing, in reaction to the forces around us..  He confirms that the practice of meditation gives us Four Pillars of strengthens our ability to:


  1. Strengthen awareness - to know what our minds are doing. Meta-awareness developed through practice allows us to become the observer of our thoughts and and to recognise attention lapse.                                                                                                                                           

  2. Create and maintain connection - to nurture harmonious interpersonal relationships, to enhance happiness, kindness and compassion.                                                                                

  3. Develop insight - to be aware of the narrative (the story, often negative, we continually run in our mind) and to change our relationship to that narrative.                                                            

  4. Builds purpose - those with purpose are proven to have greater longevity


It takes around 30 days to establish a habit, and it has been found that meditators reduce:

  • Negative self talk and depression - negative beliefs  about ourselves. Over the last few years there has been a 33o% increase, particularly among women, in diagnoses of depression and this is occurring in teens 12 - 17, again in young females. 


  • Loneliness - loneliness impacts our physical health - loneliness is a more significant predictor of early mortality compared to obesity.


  • A heightened sense of purpose - a lack of purpose predicts an early death. There are intimate connections between our psychological wellbeing and our systemic health.


(i)The science of Meditation - Richard J Davidson

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (PDF) May 2008 Journal of Affect



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